Fat Crusher Power Yoga Routine

Power yoga has gained popularity for effective weight loss in western countries.

Rajesh Sharma, a personal trainer from Navi Mumbai guides you through an instructional video on power yoga for weight loss and fat loss.

Power yoga when practised regularly and under supervision helps your body achieve stability, balance, posture and tone. Fitness

Health Benefits of Power Yoga:

1. Burns calories
2. Increases stamina, strength, flexibility and tones our body and core.
3. Increases metabolism
4. Alleviates stress and tension and improves focus.
5. Increases flexibility and strength in glutes and other inactive muscles.
6. Promotes blood circulation and boosts the immune system.
7. Eliminates toxins through sweat.

All you need is comfortable clothing and a yoga mat. Go through the power yoga steps and lose weight in the comfort of your home.

Get Toned, Ripped:with T push Ups and Mountain Climber Exercises

If you don't own weights, it's  ok. Instead, try these exercises that use bodyweight for toning the muscles. Rajesh Sharma, Fitness Instructor from Navi Mumbai  shows us how to do T-push ups and mountain climber, which are  excellent for weight loss, building a strong core and toning muscles.

The benefits of T-push up and mountain climber:

Exercises have different purposes, Rajesh Sharma says that the T-push up and mountain climber is a bodyweight and cardio exercise. “These two exercises are bodyweight and full body workouts. Both T-push ups and mountain climbers are power training, core strengthen and strength training with cardiovascular benefits.”

Benefits of T-push ups:

Rajesh Sharma explains, “T-push ups is an added variation of push ups and can burn calories, improve endurance and build strength.”

Variation to T-push ups:

He suggests for added benefits try a dumbbell, “You can do T-push ups while holding dumbbells for added resistance.”

Muscle Groups exercised with T-push ups:

This exercise works great for different muscle groups, Rajesh Sharma says, “Works on pectorals, triceps, shoulders,  strengthen core, improves balance and stability, improves flexibility, develops stabilisers of the core and shoulders.”

Mountain Climber:

As for mountain climber, this fitness instructor says, “If you have never climbed a mountain, no worries, you don't need a mountain to do this exercise.”

Benefits of Mountain Climber:

Why should you do mountain climber? He replies, “Mountain climber is an excellent combination of strength and cardio exercise. It also improves both these components.”

Muscle Groups exercised with Mountain Climber:

If your aim is to burn abdominal fat, try the mountain climber. Rajesh Sharma says, “Mountain climber strengthens your arms, core and leg muscles. This exercise also improves speedand agility of your legs. It is one of the best exercises for the abs as mountain climber works on the core muscles.”

He concludes, “These exercises can be done anywhere and at any place - at home, hotel room, work place or even a garden.”

Watch this video to see how to do it

Killer Abs - Bruce Lees's Dragon Flag - Abs of Steel

For Killer Abs - Bruce Lees's Dragon Flag

If crunches, lunges and squats seem like juvenile exercises, try dragon flag exercise. Rajesh Sharma, Fitness Instructor from Navi Mumbai shows you how to do it and why you must do this exercise for abs of steel.

If you want abs like Bruce Lee include this exercise in your routine for killer abs. Rajesh Sharma says, "The dragon flag exercise was practiced by Bruce Lee and even by Sylvestor Stallone for the Rocky series."

He adds, "This exercise is extremely difficult and a hardcore workout." This exercise is an advanced form of exercise for building core muscles and the abs. "It is one of the most advanced exercises for abs of steel. It also strengthens the core, gives you strong glutes and strong lower back," explains Fitness Instructor, Rajesh Sharma.

Though it may seem that the dragon flag exercise only focuses on the core muscles, it is can be referred to as full body workout. He says, "In fact, you'll also need to engage your lower back, glutes, and other trunk musculature to maintain your form. Though the dragon flag emphasizes the core, it's a full-body exercise."

How to do dragon flag:

Lie on your back, face up and grab sturdy object behind your head with both your hands.

Then lift your entire body, legs and torso, up in a straight line, without bending the hips or back, until your body is on your shoulder, head and neck at 90 degree.

Then lower your body in straight line parallel to the bench, without touching any part of your body below neck to the bench or floor.

Protect your neck while doing this exercise.

Abs of Steel - Hanging Leg Raises for Six Pack Abs

Abs of Steel - Hanging Leg Raises for Six Pack Abs

This may seem like an easy exercise at first, but the aim of this  exercise is to make your toereach the bar.

It is extremely  challenging if you have poor upper body strength too. But the  beauty of this hanging leg raise, it is a full body workout. This is a must-watch workout video that is excellent for abs.

Rajesh Sharma, Fitness Instructor and Yoga coach explains the importance of this exercise. He also guides you through a step by step process and the right posture for the hanging leg raises exercise.

Rajesh Sharma explains, “Hanging leg raises is for advanced exercise enthusiasts as it needs you to touch your toes on the bar you are hanging one.”

He also reiterates the amazing benefits of this exercise, he informs, “Hanging leg raises is one of the best exercise for Abs  workout. This exercise builds and strengthens the core muscles, lats, shoulders, arms, and grip and improves the control over  your body.”

He also adds, “This ab workout increases endurance and is the best abdominal exercise.”

As for the video Rajesh says, “I have demonstrated this exercise in a controlled way, engaging my lats, biceps, triceps and lower back along with abs.”