Question: When meditating I frequently have to cough.

When meditating I frequently have to cough. Only pops up then, not during my daily activities. Does this mean anything?

Good question.

Before doing meditation, do some asanas, pranayam, breating exercises like nadi shodhan, bhastrika, kapalbhatti, savasana.

Exercise, asanas and pranayam are done to make our body healthy so that, while meditating, we should not be disturbed by our body.

These are the eight limbs of yog as described by Great Sage Respected Patanjali

Yam ( Yama )

Niyam ( Niyama )

Asan ( Asana )

Pranayam ( Pranayama )

Pratyahar ( Pratyahara )

Dharan ( Dharana )

Dhyan ( Dhyana )


We need to follow all above for good success in meditation

Body need to be perfected before becoming success in meditation.
