Body balance on elbows, Mayurasana, Peacock pose

Benefits of  Mayurasana - Peacock pose

Improves efficiency of Digestive and organs.

Digestive and excretory systems function well.

Removes excess fat on stomach.

It strengthens the abdominal muscles. It helps trim pot belly.

Muscles of hands wrist become sturdy.

Efficiency of kidneys and adrenal glands improves

Good for improving balance, concentration

Helps remove toxins from body.


Any abdominal disorders or pain;
Very weak wrists.
Not to do in pregnancy, menstruation.

It is one of the most difficult asana, take help of yoga instructor to learn it.

Halasana - The Plough Pose by Rajesh Sharma

Benefits of Halasana

  • Strengthen Abs
  • Improve functioning of thyroid and parathyroid glands
  • Improve flexibility of Spinal Column
  • Improve health of nerve fibres originating from spinal column
  • Improve blood circulation around the vertebrae column
  • Improve working of liver and spleen and cure their sluggishness
  • Eliminate complaints of indigestion, constipation, excessive passage of urine, gases etc.

Fat Crusher Power Yoga Routine

Power yoga has gained popularity for effective weight loss in western countries.

Rajesh Sharma, a personal trainer from Navi Mumbai guides you through an instructional video on power yoga for weight loss and fat loss.

Power yoga when practised regularly and under supervision helps your body achieve stability, balance, posture and tone. Fitness

Health Benefits of Power Yoga:

1. Burns calories
2. Increases stamina, strength, flexibility and tones our body and core.
3. Increases metabolism
4. Alleviates stress and tension and improves focus.
5. Increases flexibility and strength in glutes and other inactive muscles.
6. Promotes blood circulation and boosts the immune system.
7. Eliminates toxins through sweat.

All you need is comfortable clothing and a yoga mat. Go through the power yoga steps and lose weight in the comfort of your home.

Get Toned, Ripped:with T push Ups and Mountain Climber Exercises

If you don't own weights, it's  ok. Instead, try these exercises that use bodyweight for toning the muscles. Rajesh Sharma, Fitness Instructor from Navi Mumbai  shows us how to do T-push ups and mountain climber, which are  excellent for weight loss, building a strong core and toning muscles.

The benefits of T-push up and mountain climber:

Exercises have different purposes, Rajesh Sharma says that the T-push up and mountain climber is a bodyweight and cardio exercise. “These two exercises are bodyweight and full body workouts. Both T-push ups and mountain climbers are power training, core strengthen and strength training with cardiovascular benefits.”

Benefits of T-push ups:

Rajesh Sharma explains, “T-push ups is an added variation of push ups and can burn calories, improve endurance and build strength.”

Variation to T-push ups:

He suggests for added benefits try a dumbbell, “You can do T-push ups while holding dumbbells for added resistance.”

Muscle Groups exercised with T-push ups:

This exercise works great for different muscle groups, Rajesh Sharma says, “Works on pectorals, triceps, shoulders,  strengthen core, improves balance and stability, improves flexibility, develops stabilisers of the core and shoulders.”

Mountain Climber:

As for mountain climber, this fitness instructor says, “If you have never climbed a mountain, no worries, you don't need a mountain to do this exercise.”

Benefits of Mountain Climber:

Why should you do mountain climber? He replies, “Mountain climber is an excellent combination of strength and cardio exercise. It also improves both these components.”

Muscle Groups exercised with Mountain Climber:

If your aim is to burn abdominal fat, try the mountain climber. Rajesh Sharma says, “Mountain climber strengthens your arms, core and leg muscles. This exercise also improves speedand agility of your legs. It is one of the best exercises for the abs as mountain climber works on the core muscles.”

He concludes, “These exercises can be done anywhere and at any place - at home, hotel room, work place or even a garden.”

Watch this video to see how to do it